Armed with over 20 years of experience in the health food industry, Ricky founded JR Life Sciences Pte Ltd in 2007. The company is the exclusive importer and distributor of leading Canadian-based “Holista” and “Webber Naturals” health supplements, serving consumers in Singapore. While the former brand produces quality natural health products that include both supplements and topical treatments, the latter produces a wide range of health supplements specially for consumers who prefer more natural healthcare options.“Holistic Way” & “JR Life Sciences” are two other leading brands under JR umbrella, complement the other two brands, thus providing more choices of health supplements for consumers.

JR Life has since taken on other trusted brands like “Sunkist Vitamins” – a wide range of vitamin C, “HolistiCare Ester C” – a popular range of Non-Acidic Vitamin C, “Dr Xin”, “SHAPE TEA” – a trusted name in Detox and Slimming Tea and a wide range of Natural and Organic skincare from Australia, namely “Lanopearl” and “Re-Birth”.

Available At

Level 3 - Beauty & Wellness
(65) 6535 8888


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